Safety companion for students, women and old aged parents Being a parent is hard to a special needs child is even harder. There are many known cases where special needs children will wander off, often getting lost. Caring about our kids and loved ones become challenging for us with our highly busy and deman.... TrackOlap
How to Approach CRM Integration: Strategies and APIs We work closely with our CRM partners, utilizing a number of public and private APIs in order to offer you the best universal API. Trackolap handles the behind-the-scenes integration work for every supported connector, so that you can focus on build.... TrackOlap
Personal Car Safety to prevent and get hassle free driving You can learn about car safety, check out classic cars, see the best rated models, and even learn a thing or two about car maintenance and repair on these leading car blogs. You can learn about car safety, check out classic cars, see the best rated m.... TrackOlap
Bluetooth 4.0 and revolution in IoT Asset Tracker business Bluetooth-based asset tracking systems are quickly growing in popularity. The industry, however, is getting a huge boost with the introduction of the updated standard. It's not just about being a little faster or sending a bit more information. T.... TrackOlap
MapMyIndia, Open Street and Google Map comparison There is no ultimate answer as to which one is better. These two have as many similarities as differences. They are based on different fundamentals, but they solve the same basic human need to know 'WHERE'. The key difference between these tw.... TrackOlap
Connected Cars and life after next 20 years A Connected Car is a car that has access to the internet and a range of sensors. They can also send and receive signals. They can sense the physical environment around the vehicle and also interact with other cars or entities. While we've helped .... TrackOlap