Refocus your Team During a Crisis with a Technology Dashboard
The crisis is a small word but has a dark and powerful meaning. A situation of distress caused due to both natural and man-made causes results in the emergence of a critical situation like floods, earthquakes, communal riots, etc.,
These critical situations are very sensitive and can create lots of other problems for people who are going through it. Especially for business entrepreneurs, the critical situation can make them lose their hard-earned money and reputation.
For instance, if due to communal protest on the road, an employee won't able be to reach the office on time and the top - he has to present a very important presentation to the investor, then this will make company lose potential investors as an employee stuck in the protest can present the case only. This is a crisis for a business organization that can't be controlled.
So, what's the solution?
The show must go on - it is the mantra of the business industry where you can't stop for a day. If you got stuck in the crisis, then you need to immediately implement plan B which is always technology.
Yep, today, we are so lucky that we have advanced technology tools in our hands. There are vivid technology tools like TrackOlap Employee Efficiency Tool present that enables business organizations to beat any kind of critical situation and come out as a winner.
How Technology Can Beat Crisis?
Now, many of you must be thinking - how come technology-based tools assist business organizations during the crisis. Well, people, technology has developed beyond your imagination today - you now can track locations of your team remotely, get real-time feedback from employees and so much more. So, if the employee efficiency dashboard is implemented in the right direction, then critical situations can be dealt pretty smoothly. Let's see how -
1. Report for your duty on time always
Okay, so if some political party has jammed all roads going to your office for a rally, then being a corporate employee - it gets impossible for you to report at your work on time, but you can't miss. As latency means salary deduction - now it's so unfair that you get your salary deducted without any of your faults. However, if your company has a customized employee efficiency app , then you can mark your digital attendance with a geotagged location so that your employer can see that you have been a delay due to unavoidable circumstances.
On the other side, the employer can quickly delegate work to employees which they can start working on using the same app from anywhere. Suppose, if your employee is waiting
on the bus to clear traffic jams, then he can start doing his job remotely as all data is saved upon the cloud space. So, this won't waste precious time in the business organization.
2. Keep your employees away from a critical situation
This app has an inbuilt tracking technology that sends real-time feed of employee's current location on the manager's desktop. Managers can view the current geographical location of their team on the map and even can retrieve hourly history. So, if manger has seen news of traffic jam on a certain route, then they can immediately mark that route on the map and notify their field workers to not take up that route. Once the certain route is marked, then if any employee enters to the forbidden route, then the back office will get intimation immediately and they can instantly alert the employee to not use that route.
Moreover, if any employee tries to unnecessarily enter the marked zone even after getting notification, then the manager can send alert to that employee and can even send dismiss order so that management can later take action on the employee's behavior.
3. Let employees work remotely
Now, if public transportation service providers have strike going on, then it will be very difficult for employees to reach their offices. So, in this situation either employees will take a day off or have to spend extra money to rent private vehicles to reach the office. Both situations are not at all feasible. But, if you have a dedicated employee efficiency platform, then you can save your employees from going through all this trouble and make sure that your workflow won't mess.
This tool let team leaders assign work to team members remotely so that they can work from anywhere. That means you can send important files and documents to the employees using this dashboard so they can work from the comfort of their homes. This is an ideal situation during a crisis where neither employees have to suffer nor employer due to absence of employees
4. Reimburse employees in case of any mishap
Sometimes due to the urgency of work - managers have to send their employees to critical situations. For instance, news agencies have to send their reports to capture natural calamities news to dangerous places and if anything goes wrong while reporting that accidentally hurts report, then it is the responsibility of a news company to reimburse such claims. Moreover, it is the further responsibility of a company to ease up the reimbursement process for the employees.
Here, using this technology-powered platform - employees can send the reimbursement claim to their managers. Plus, the concerned department will examine the expense claim request and grant or reject it from the app instantly. Moreover, employees can check the status of their previous expense claims from the app and keep a record of their expense claims.
5. Send emergency leave requests
If the entire city is flooding, then it gets difficult for your employees to attend office. Moreover, when everything is messed up at your employee's home, then they can't apply for leave in person. So, here, this app comes as a great bliss from where employees can send leave requests with one tap and instantly get leave approved. Moreover, if employees want to know leave policies of a company during the crisis, then they can read the company's leave policies from the app as well.
6. Guide your employees
Whether you want to immediately alert your team regarding crisis or want to communicate with them securely - this app can do everything for you. When your entire team is working remotely because they aren't able to reach office due to crisis, then free flow of communication can be established with this tool. Employees can chat one to one, broadcast group messages, share files or documents and so much more using this communication tool. All the communication made by this channel will be fully secured and backed up in the cloud for later referral.
7. Helps in creating crisis report and appraising employees
In the year-end, companies need to analyze different types of performance reports so that they can understand the performance of their employees in the last fall. Using this tool, you will be able to create a crisis report that will show management how different employees have performed during difficult situations.
This report will be automatically generated in the excel format to save the manager's time. Companies can appraise their star employees based on crisis reports who have completed their job with the full dedication even after facing so many hardships. This will motivate other employees to show their hardworking nature if any unfortunate situation arises again as they will know that their extra efforts will be appreciated by the company.
Smartly Deal With Crisis
The crisis is just a difficult situation that can be easily overpowered with the right mindset and technology. So, if you don't want to set back your business due to small glitches of difficult situations and always want to be prepared for difficult situations, then you have to befriend technology. That's because difficult situations are always going to come and try to stop your progress - now it's up to you whether you prepare in advance or wait for a crisis to arise before taking any actions.
If you are taking up the smart route and ready to prepare your team for critical situations in advance, then you can contact TrackOlap and design your personalized disaster management app to keep yourself ahead of the crisis.